Thursday, 17 May 2012

Configuring  DFM server for Performance Advisor (PA).

Performance Adviser (PA)  is resource intensive and having PA enabled along with other monitoring on single server monitoring close to 200+ controllers on a VM or a low end hardware might slow down OnCommand/DFM response times. If a customer has decided to load balance his OnCommand/DFM server based on functionality and trying to find a way to have PA only enabled and no capacity or space monitoring, continue reading.

Step 1:

Install OnCommand/DFM server and do your usual setting like setting up https, disabling rsh and enabling ssh etc.

Step 2:

Turn off all monitoring interval by doing a list of options and greping for moninterval.

[root@]# for i in `dfm options list | grep -i moninterval| awk '{print $1}'`;do dfm options set $i=off;done
Changed agent monitoring interval to Off.
Error: autosupportMonInterval: off is not a valid interval.
Specify a positive number, optionally followed by a time period
suffix to indicate seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
Examples: 4m, "2.5 hours", "15 secs", 1week.
Changed backup directory monitoring interval to Off.
Changed config conformance monitoring interval to Off.
Changed cluster failover monitoring interval to Off.
Changed cluster monitoring interval to Off.
Changed CPU monitoring interval to Off.
Changed disk free space monitoring interval to Off.
Changed disk monitoring interval to Off.
Changed dataset conformance monitoring interval to Off.
Changed dataset disaster recovery status monitoring interval to Off.
Changed dataset protection status monitoring interval to Off.
Changed environmental monitoring interval to Off.
Changed fibre channel monitoring interval to Off.
Changed file system monitoring interval to Off.
Changed host RBAC monitoring interval to Off.
Changed interface monitoring interval to Off.
Changed license monitoring interval to Off.
Changed LUN monitoring interval to Off.
Changed NDMP monitoring interval to Off.
Changed operation count monitoring interval to Off.
Changed performance advisor threshold violation monitoring interval to Off.
Changed ping monitoring interval to Off.
Changed qtree monitoring interval to Off.
Changed resource pool space monitoring interval to Off.
Changed SAN host monitoring interval to Off.
Changed share monitoring interval to Off.
Changed SnapMirror monitoring interval to Off.
Changed snapshot monitoring interval to Off.
Changed SnapVault monitoring interval to Off.
Changed SRM host monitoring interval to Off.
Changed global status monitoring interval to Off.
Changed system information monitoring interval to Off.
Changed user quota monitoring interval to Off.
Changed vFiler monitoring interval to Off.
Changed virtual server monitoring interval to Off.


Enable only those monitors that are required for PA functionality to work

[root@]# dfm option set pingMonInterval=
Changed ping monitoring interval to 1 minute.

PingMon is required otherwise OnCommand/DFM does not monitor a host as it considers them to be down.

[root@]# dfm option set diskMonInterval=
Changed disk monitoring interval to 4 hours.

Disk Mon is required for discovery of disk so that performance data for disk can be collected and show in NMC.

[root@]# dfm option set fsMonInterval=
Changed file system monitoring interval to 15 minutes.

FS Mon is required for discovery of volume, qtree, aggr so that corresponding  performance data can be collected and show in NMC.

[root@]# dfm option set ifMonInterval=
Changed interface monitoring interval to 15 minutes.

IF Mon is required for discovery of Interfaces so that corresponding  performance data can be collected and show in NMC.

[root@]# dfm option set licenseMonInterval=
Changed license monitoring interval to 4 hours.

Though its weird, license Mon  is required for discovery of some objects.

[root@]# dfm option set lunMonInterval=
Changed LUN monitoring interval to 30 minutes.

Lun Mon is required for discovery of LUN  so that corresponding  performance data can be collected and show in NMC

[root@]# dfm option set perfAdvThreshViolationMonInterval=15m
Changed performance advisor threshold violation monitoring interval to 15 minutes.

PerfAdvThresholdViolation Mon is required for PA threshold generation

[root@]# dfm option set vFilerMonInterval=
Changed vFiler monitoring interval to 1 hour.

vFiler Mon is required for discovery of vFiler so that corresponding  performance data can be collected and show in NMC


Check for the list of MonIntervals that are enabled, using the below command.

Windows world run the command as follows (dfm options list | findstr /i moniterval)

[root@]# dfm options list | grep -i moninterval
agentMonInterval                      Off
autosupportMonInterval                2 minutes
backupDirMonInterval                  Off
ccMonInterval                         Off
cfMonInterval                         Off
clusterMonInterval                    Off
cpuMonInterval                        Off
dfMonInterval                         Off
diskMonInterval                       4 hours
dsConformanceMonInterval              Off
dsDRMonInterval                       Off
dsProtectionMonInterval               Off
envMonInterval                        Off
fcMonInterval                         Off
fsMonInterval                         15 minutes
hostRBACMonInterval                   Off
ifMonInterval                         15 minutes
licenseMonInterval                    4 hours
lunMonInterval                        30 minutes
ndmpMonInterval                       Off
opsMonInterval                        Off
perfAdvThreshViolationMonInterval     15 minutes
pingMonInterval                       1 minute
qtreeMonInterval                      Off
respoolSpaceMonInterval               Off
SANHostMonInterval                    Off
shareMonInterval                      Off
snapmirrorMonInterval                 Off
snapshotMonInterval                   Off
snapvaultMonInterval                  Off
srmMonInterval                        Off
statusMonInterval                     Off
sysInfoMonInterval                    Off
userQuotaMonInterval                  Off
vFilerMonInterval                     1 hour
vserverMonInterval                    Off

Optional, if required disable auto-discover options in  by disabling all the below listed discovery options in BOLD

[root@]# dfm options list |grep -i discover
discoverAgents                        Enabled
discoverClusters                      Enabled
discoverEnabled                       Enabled
discoverHostInitEnabled               Enabled
discoverHosts                         Enabled
discoverInterval                      15 minutes
discoverNetworks                      Disabled
discoverSAN                           Enabled
discoverTimeout                       5 seconds
discoverVfilers                       Enabled
hostEnclosureDiscoveryEvents          Disabled
networkDiscoveryLimit                 15
snapshotDiscoveryEventsEnabled        No


Now add your controllers/filer and set the credentials for API access so that OnCommand/DFM server can start collecting only performance data.



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