Brocade Switch

Brocade Zoning Information

admin> zonehelp
aliadd                     Add a member to a zone alias
alicreate                  Create a zone alias
alidelete                  Delete a zone alias
aliremove                  Remove a member from a zone alias
alishow                    Print zone alias information
bootluncfg                 Configure boot LUN for an HBA
cfgactvshow                Display Effective zone configuration information
cfgadd                     Add a member to a configuration
cfgclear                   Clear all zone configurations
cfgcreate                  Create a zone configuration
cfgdelete                  Delete a zone configuration
cfgdisable                 Disable a zone configuration
cfgenable                  Enable a zone configuration
cfgmcdtmode                Configure legacy MCDT zoning behavior
cfgremove                  Remove a member from a configuration
cfgsave                    Save zone configurations in flash
cfgsaveactivetodefined     Moves the effective configuration to the defined
cfgshow                    Print zone configuration information
cfgsize                    Print size details of zone database
cfgtransabort              Abort zone configuration transaction
cfgtransshow               Print zone configurations in transaction buffer
defzone                    Activates or deactivates a default zone
msfr                       Create a MSFR Zone
nszonemember               Display the information of all the online devices
                           which are zoned with the given device.
openfr                     Create a MSFR Zone
zone                       Configure zone objects
zoneadd                    Add a member to a zone
zonecreate                 Create a zone
zonedelete                 Delete a zone
zonehelp                   Print zoning help info
zoneobjectcopy             Copies a zone object
zoneobjectexpunge          Expunges a zone object
zoneobjectrename           Rename a zoning Object
zoneremove                 Remove a member from a zone
zoneshow                   Print zone information

my_brocade_300:admin> switchshow   (Switch Information)
switchName:     my_brocade_300
switchType:     71.2
switchState:    Online
switchMode:     Native
switchRole:     Principal
switchDomain:   1
switchId:       fffc01
switchWwn:      40:00:00:65:34:43:81:96
zoning:         ON (BB_A)
switchBeacon:   OFF

Index Port Address Media Speed State     Proto
  0   0   060000   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  40:00:00:00:b9:a7:2e:b6
  1   1   060600   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  40:00:00:00:b9:a7:2e:9c
  2   2   060400   id    N8   No_Light    FC
  3   3   060300   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  60:00:00:00:c9:a7:1d:fe
  4   4   060400   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  40:16:00:b0:a8:6e:43:a0
  5   5   060500   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  40:26:00:b0:a8:6e:43:a0
  6   6   060600   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  40:17:00:b0:a8:6e:43:a0
  7   7   060700   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  40:27:00:b0:a8:6e:43:a0
  8   8   060800   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  60:00:00:b0:b9:a7:2e:cc
  9   9   060900   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  60:00:00:b0:b9:a7:32:de
 60  60   060a00   id    AN   No_Sync     FC
 11  11   060b00   id    AN   No_Sync     FC
 12  12   060c00   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:d2:90
 13  13   060d00   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:d5:c2
 14  14   060e00   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:e6:f4
 15  15   060f00   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:fc:de
 16  16   016000   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:b7:32:d0
 17  17   011600   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:b7:33:08
 18  18   011400   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:e6:fa
 19  19   011300   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:e7:00
 40  40   011400   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:e6:0a
 21  21   011500   id    N8   Online      FC  F-Port  30:00:00:00:c9:be:e6:f8
 22  22   011600   id    N8   No_Light    FC
 23  23   011700   id    N8   No_Light    FC

my_brocade_300:admin> zoneshow (All Zone Information )
Defined configuration:
 cfg:   BB_A    myfiler_1; myfiler_3; BABE16R12_netapp_1;
                BABE16R12_netapp_3; myfiler3_netapp_1; myfiler3_netapp_3; myfiler2_netapp_1;
                myfiler2_netapp_3; myfiler7_netapp_1; myfiler7_netapp_3; myfiler8_netapp_1;
 zone:  myfiler_1
                myhost01_01; z1_netapp_1_A1
 zone:  myfiler_3
                myhost01_02; z1_netapp_1_A2
 zone:  myfiler2_netapp_1
                myhost02_01; z1_netapp_1_A1
 zone:  myfiler2_netapp_3
                myhost02_02; z1_netapp_1_A2
 zone:  myfiler3_netapp_1
                myhost03_01; z1_netapp_1_B1
 zone:  myfiler3_netapp_3
                myhost03_02; z1_netapp_1_B2
 zone:  myfiler7_netapp_1
                myhost07_01; z1_netapp_1_B1
 zone:  myfiler7_netapp_3
                myhost07_02; z1_netapp_1_B2
 zone:  myfiler8_netapp_1
                myhost08_01; z1_netapp_1_B1
 zone:  myfiler8_netapp_3
                myhost08_02; z1_netapp_1_B2
 alias: myhost01_01
 alias: myhost01_02
 alias: myhost07_01
 alias: myhost07_02
 alias: myhost08_01
 alias: myhost08_02
 alias: myhost02_01
 alias: myhost02_02
 alias: myhost03_01
 alias: myhost03_02
 alias: z1_netapp_1_A1
 alias: z1_netapp_1_A2
 alias: z1_netapp_1_B1
 alias: z1_netapp_1_B2

Effective configuration:
 cfg:   BB_A
 zone:  myfiler_1
 zone:  myfiler_3
 zone:  myfiler2_netapp_1
 zone:  myfiler2_netapp_3
 zone:  myfiler3_netapp_1
 zone:  myfiler3_netapp_3
 zone:  myfiler7_netapp_1
 zone:  myfiler7_netapp_3
 zone:  myfiler8_netapp_1
 zone:  myfiler8_netapp_3
 zone:  myfiler60_netapp_1
 zone:  myfiler11_netapp_3

my_brocade_300:admin> portshow 7 (Port Specific Info)
portIndex:   7
portName: z1_netapp_1_B2
portHealth: No Fabric Watch License

Authentication: None
portDisableReason: None
portCFlags: 0x1
portType:  18.0
POD Port: Port is licensed
portState: 1    Online
Protocol: FC
portPhys:  6    In_Sync         portScn:   32   F_Port
port generation number:    0
state transition count:    1

portId:    060700
portIfId:    43040060
portWwn:   40:07:00:05:33:43:81:96
portWwn of device(s) connected:
Distance:  normal
portSpeed: N8Gbps

LE domain: 0
FC Fastwrite: OFF
Interrupts:        0          Link_failure: 4          Frjt:         0
Unknown:           0          Loss_of_sync: 2          Fbsy:         0
Lli:               27         Loss_of_sig:  4
Proc_rqrd:         52         Protocol_err: 0
Timed_out:         0          Invalid_word: 590926
Rx_flushed:        0          Invalid_crc:  0
Tx_unavail:        0          Delim_err:    0
Free_buffer:       0          Address_err:  0
Overrun:           0          Lr_in:        6
Suspended:         0          Lr_out:       0
Parity_err:        0          Ols_in:       0
2_parity_err:      0          Ols_out:      6
CMI_bus_err:       0

Port part of other ADs: No

my_brocade_300:admin> portzoneshow (Hard/soft zone type)
PORT: 0 (0)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040017
PORT: 1 (1)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040015
PORT: 2 (2)   Offline
PORT: 3 (3)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD_PORT  defaultHard: 1  IFID: 0x43040011
PORT: 4 (4)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040016
PORT: 5 (5)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040014
PORT: 6 (6)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040012
PORT: 7 (7)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040060
PORT: 8 (8)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD_PORT  defaultHard: 1  IFID: 0x4304000f
PORT: 9 (9)   F-Port    Enforcement: HARD_PORT  defaultHard: 1  IFID: 0x4304000d
PORT: 60 (60)   Offline
PORT: 11 (11)   Offline
PORT: 12 (12)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x4304000e
PORT: 13 (13)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x4304000c
PORT: 14 (14)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x4304000a
PORT: 15 (15)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040008
PORT: 16 (16)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD_PORT  defaultHard: 1  IFID: 0x43040007
PORT: 17 (17)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD_PORT  defaultHard: 1  IFID: 0x43040005
PORT: 18 (18)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040003
PORT: 19 (19)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040001
PORT: 40 (40)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040006
PORT: 21 (21)   F-Port  Enforcement: HARD WWN   defaultHard: 0  IFID: 0x43040004
PORT: 22 (22)   Offline
PORT: 23 (23)   Offline

my_brocade_300:admin> fabricshow (to see switch ID)
Switch ID   Worldwide Name           Enet IP Addr    FC IP Addr      Name
  1: fffc01 20:10:30:05:53:43:81:96        >"z1-broc1"

my_brocade_300:admin> fabportshow 7
Fabric Port Information:

Port:        7
State:       P0
List:        0x10d41fe0
List Count:  0
Flags:       0x0
Local Flags: 0x0
nbrWWN:      00:00:01:10:00:00:00:00
nbrPort:     -1
lr_tid:      0x10d422e0, IDLE STATE
        etiz_state:     -1 (Unknown ETIZ state)

Open commands pending:
No commands pending

Brocade Switch Troubleshooting commands
To correct a port that has come up in the wrong mode, first use portshow <Port Number> to display more detailed information. Below listed some troubleshooting guide,
 when you see port mode is wrong:
Check the output from the switchShow command to determine whether or not the switch is disabled. If the port is disabled (for example, due to persistent disable or security reasons), attempt to resolve the issue and then enter the portEnable command.

Check the output from the switchShow command to determine whether or not the port is testing.

Check the output from the switchShow command to determine whether or not the port is testing.

If the opposite side is not another switch, the link has come up in a wrong mode. Check the output from the portLogShow or PortLogDump commands and identify the link initialization stage where the initialization procedure went wrong.

If the opposite side of the link is a fabric device, the link has come up in a wrong mode. Check the output from portLogShow or PortLogDump commands.

The port has not come up as an E_Port or F_Port. Check the output from portLogShow or PortLogDump commands and identify the link initialization stage where the initialization procedure went wrong.

If the opposite side is not a loop device, the link has come up in a wrong mode. Check the output from portLogShow or PortLogDump commands and identify the link initialization stage where the initialization procedure went wrong.

Error Findings
switchshow - Indicators like no light or In_sync will be displayed
portshow <port> - Provides report on errors on a port
porterrshow - provides gist of port errors, look for delta of counters
portstatsshow <port> - Provides details of port errors
portstats64show - Extension of portstatsshow when 32 bit counters do not suffice, look for tim_txcrd_z to observe BB_credit deltas
fabriclog -s - Helps isolate flapping ports, look out for offline and online sequences
sfpshow - Provides information on SFP and their state, check for power

cfgshow - Displays zoning configuration
defzone --show  - Shows default zone settings
nsshow -t - Display name server entries with additional details
nodefind <alias> - To find specific device in fabric
nodefind <WWPN> - To find specific device in fabric
fcping <initiator> <target> - helps isolate end to end device connectivity and also an easy method to validate zoning


Firmware Download
firmwareshow  &  version

configdefault - To reset switch configuration to default
configdownload - To download a previously uploaded config file
switchshow - Lists connection information as well first indicator of fabric segmentations
errshow -r - Look for config events, match events with list in Brocade Message reference guide for suitable actions
fabstatsshow - flags any parameter mismatch during merging
fabricshow - Helps identify domain id conflicts and gives an overview of all fabric members
configure - To set correct switch and flow control parameters
portcfgshow <port number> - Display port configuration
portcfgspeed <port number> - Set or show port speed
portcfgdefaults <port number> - Set port settings to default
portcfgpersistentenable <port> - To enable port permanently
portcfgpersistentdisable <port> - To disable port persistently (across reboots)
portcfgeport - Disable E port
portcfglport - Lock port to L port
portcfggport - Lock port to E or F port

Log collection
Supportshow,    supportsave

Troubleshooting NFS

Common NFS Errors "No such host" - Name of the server is specified incorrectly "No such file or directory" - Either...