Thursday, 5 July 2012

NFS Server Not Responding

Jun 16 22:14:16 mytesthost kernel: nfs: server mytestfiler-nas OK
Jun 16 22:15:12 mytesthost kernel: nfs: server mytestfiler-nas not responding, still trying
Jun 16 22:15:30 mytesthost last message repeated 4 times
Jun 16 22:15:35 mytesthost kernel: nfs: server mytestfiler-nas OK

If above  Error comes then please check host health like lod, iostat, free/used/swap memory and number of processes on host for that time. Also check if any network saturation occurred or packet loss happened at that time when message came.

Troubleshooting NFS

Common NFS Errors "No such host" - Name of the server is specified incorrectly "No such file or directory" - Either...