Sunday, 17 June 2012

SnapMirror and SnapVault PUSH or PULL ?

SnapMirror and SnapVault

SnapMirror and SnapVault use TCP port 10566 for data transfer. Network connections are always initiated by the destination system; that is, SnapMirror and SnapVault pull data rather than push data.
Authentication is minimal with both SnapMirror and SnapVault. To restrict inbound TCP connections on port 10566 to a list of authorized hosts or IP addresses, you should configure the snapmirror.access or snapvault.access option. When a connection is established, the destination storage system communicates its host name to the source storage system, which then uses this host name to determine if a transfer is allowed. You should confirm a match between the host name and its IP address. To confirm that the host name and the IP address match, you should set the snapmirror.checkip.enable option to on.
To disable SnapMirror, you should set the snapmirror.enable option to off. To disable SnapVault, you should set the snapvault.enable option to off.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Disk Statistics

# priv set "advanced;disk shm_stats"

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use
         them only when directed to do so by NetApp
                        Disk   Average    Max    Retry  Timeout  Sense Data
Disk                    State    I/O      I/O    count  count    1      2      3     4     5     9     B     Other
1a.10.0                   007      000    0839    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.1                   007      000    0854    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.2                   007      000    1262    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.3                   007      000    0855    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.4                   007      000    0846    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.5                   007      000    0874    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.6                   007      000    0856    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.7                   007      000    0838    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00    00    00    000
1a.10.8                   007      000    0824    000    000    0000    000    000    00    00 

# priv set "advanced;disk_stat 1b.00.18"

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use
         them only when directed to do so by NetApp
1b.00.18: ??? HPrio=0 out=0 queued=0 (14346/0/0)
      max_Q=1 max_b=1 recovered error=0 medium error=0
      not ready count=0 command timeout count=0
  disk queue histogram:
   4790      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
  Message history:
    DISK_READ:                   12
    DISK_READ_CHAIN:             4778
    DISK_WRITE:                  0
    DISK_WRITE_CHAIN:            0
    DISK_READ_WITH_CKSUM:        0

Troubleshooting NFS

Common NFS Errors "No such host" - Name of the server is specified incorrectly "No such file or directory" - Either...